Thursday, September 8, 2011

San Jose

San Jose is where we spent our first three days in Costa Rica. Stationed at what would probably be considered a four star hotel in the States, we were essentially living in a bubble, with our air conditioning, high powered toilets and internet access. After being introduced to the Costa Rican staple of rice and beans for our first meal, we were met with an offer that one could only dream of doing at schools back at home.

Our professors offered to take us out for drinks at the nearby restaurant. Clearly, our teachers know what they are doing, because once everyone had a few beers down any awkwardness associated with meeting 25 new people simultaneously evaporated. Not only have my classmates turned out to be a fantastic bunch, but our TAs (how many more synonyms of "professors" can I think of, especially since TA already isn't one) have some great personalities. From Alan "I used to be a hippie' Masters, Moncho "perpetually shirtless", Joyel "I studied in the States", Marizella "constantly ecstatic" to Bronco"surprisingly fast man", I think we're in for a real treat of a semester. I apologize for not including the last names of our TAs, but the folder which contains their bios is kind of far away and I really want to hit that big orange 'PUBLISH' button now.

I am currently being hailed to play some cards so here's a photo from around a week ahead of the chronology of this post. I am happy as hell in this picture because the beach I am standing in in this photo has unfortunately (fortunately?) set an EXTREMELY high bar for any future beach that I go to (sorry Long Island Sound, you just don't cut it anymore).


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